The Diary of Xia

©️/ a Research by Mythos Journals

Helexia or Xia Del Rosario or just the Original ms Heleigiri is a 18 years old girl who they believe to have a gift she my considered as a nostradamus since she can predict future but their have some evidences that she can also control the future by her own will or have a so called a "Godlike" ability she may also considered as an actual genius since. 

When she is 8 years old she begin to draw landscapes, humans objects and animals by herself no one ever thought her how to draw, she also start making poems with a minimum of 12 stanza, long essays and novels but that time she was focused on thriller and horror genres but never post it in public.

Chapter #1 

The Beginning

when she's in grade 7 at CPF (Center For Positive Future) , Mythologies really caught her interest from a Catholic to a Polytheist Girl its all happens when their subject in Religion or Filipino talks about Ancient Gods and Goddesses in different Mythologies thats why when she got home she search it immedietly in google ,she got a weird feeling about it like it seems shes deeply connected to it and she remembered when she was a kid she always got a dream about people she called Brothers and Husbands and the setting is in Heaven or Higher Clouds , and thats the starts of her research about Gods and Reincarnations she also discovered amd study Witchcraft to have a better understanding and connection to them and thats the start of slowly unsealing her gifts like predicting future , controling weather by her emotions and also some of what she said is becoming true their is also sometimes that some people said she can bring bad omens or bad karma by just smiling or if she got provoked and good fortune and blessings if she's happy thats the start of her not considering hetself as not normal person and also putting a lot of effort not to be known by it because people calling her names and insulting her.

she also saw everything in a balance or in two different  perspectives i may said her intelligent is inhuman , she also got 48-50 over 50 to all of her exams always getting an award in every subjects and competitions but she feel their is a bias in her school but she dont mind it and focuses to her interest .

She is like a machine if their

English time of Sr Melbert Marbella her english teacher plus love interest, in that time she got bullied by her classmates , she cry with full of anger the sky darken and a heavey rain falls , 

and a continues thunder and lightning stricks her teacher joke that "Im zeus and im now mad" but they didnt know it was her. 

she summons lightning and it strick to their blackboard all of them got shock except to her.C

Chapter #2


when she is grade 11 she hope that her new classmate are different from her past classmates after they pass the requirments ,cindy and her (Known mom) commute, and because of her expirience she is now have no interest in finding friends or socialising, but her interest in having no friend get destroyed by a girl in the jeep named Aila Soriano , aila ask her on what section she is and what course she take with a joyful and friendly aura, but cindy feel a little bit of discomfort a days later , when they is about to enter their room a girl from other section ask what time is it , the girl familiarised them , they start chit chatting until their topic fall in "Creepypasta"

"even ben drowned cant hack it"

"wait that sounds familiar, ben drowned?"

then they both yell "Creepypasta" like a fangirls until they became friends , Xia is a bit thankful that her classmates are not that bad, they are kind really kind, but hates aila's classmates because they both got bullied by them , she wish kier will got sick and she snaps her finger and thats happen he got sick in just a minutes, they became lovers in half year, but aila fall inlove to njork who is also like creepypasta. but before the end of school year Xia got fall to roberto junio and since Xia's memories got erased that time thats why she didnt remembered her husband Saint Trevior which is also got reincarnated in a female body named Maria Fe and not expecting her friend circle expand from 1 trusted friend to 8 people , Cristhian , Wilson, Maria fe, aila, roberto ,laden, marcus, shawn and nyork, they already know about her special gift but exept to Laden, Marcus , shawn and njork because when they became grade 12 they already graduated in ESA , when they became grade 12 Xia already expose to her friend that she's a god and she already prove all of it that's why they trust her and her abilities, in grade 12 she put in 12-B and aila's old classmate became her classmates, poor Xia ofc she got bullied again , in that time roberto and xia became lovers and she explain that she is like a machine if their is no stimulus or the force that push the button i wont start the timer, and plus i only 3 emotion Happiness, anger, and sadness but once two of them activates both in the same time , ill be out of control , plus i have hyperventillation syndrom , i cant be stay in a long time under the sun , plus my skin is highly sensitive in the sunlight also not allowed to feel extreme emotion, too much happiness, too much anger or too mush sadness ,because i will feel shortness of breathing, so once i feel i cant breath i feel i want to stab this heart to remove whatever blockage covering the air way. also ill just feel or have emotion base in the person im with , if they are anger that will be my emotion ,to the fact that i dont have my own emotion, if i dont have person with i have no emotion. now i understand why gemini is the most hated in the zodiacs sign because they are very unpredictable, she go from hopless laugh to empty laugh, i may say when she is with her friends she is a clown, joker and a party animal she is also have empathy or what we called as Empath or indigo child, to them but as what she said once she is alone, or with other people she dont trust or dont know she is like an empty or a black hole that will devour everything once she got provoked.

She only let her friends or people she trust to call her names and to bully her , but if that is other people she will end them with her cool yet dangerous unknown origin abilities, she called her ability as Forbopotence or Forbidden because its forbidden to use, and she said all of the Gods forbid her from using it, whether she likes it or not but sometims she uses it even though she didnt meant to.

february or march 27 2019 

they plan to create a zombie apocalypse to the point that they research everything about it, they also done many experiments and still in progress . the main virus/disease they use is , malaria , toxoplasma gondii , rabis and influenza they plan to create a rabis with a flu like ability that can also spread in air and attack the central nervous system because zombie are not impossible yet not simple. 

Chapter 3

Team up

as always happen she got bully again, its a physical and emotional bully,one time her classmate name Patricia linco tell her that 

"you just go to school just to flirt with your boyfriend"  Budang and patricia laugh at her but Satan (as she says she let one of her husband use her body to fight back for her since she really don't want to fight back) got snap and throw the huge book to them but it got hit to Budang's upper left forehead,  her other consorts calllming down satan so Levi possessed but Budang stand in front of Levi and yells 

"What?!, are you going to fight huh???!!"

Xia got snap and stand too and grab Budang's face scratching it and kneeing her and punching her in anger, The wolf (her child to Fenrir  who's also possessed her) plan to bite Budang's neck and rip it apart but they wear mask , their teacher and classmate stop them and bring them in the Office, in their Eyes  xia is wrong now her anger became bigger , in the next day two months before the pandemic on 2019 , their school conduct an activity all student will went and stay in the canteen , but in that time xia got attack by her hyperventillation syndrome she cant walk normal and all of her limbs are like frozen so her friends help her, Maria Fe(the incarnation of Saint Trevior also her husband) have menstruation in that time, Roberto have a wound in his knees so he cant also walk normaly so they sit in the cottage in the playground beside the canteen, its open space but her classmate named Kier say.

"Ey teacher they dont follow the rules oh they are now absent"

and xia hears the others 

She say in a calm tone that 

"wait we cant walk normal"

aila said .

"theirs no chairs"

but their kind tone turns hell as the other student say.

"look xia  is just acting"

well NO hyperventillation is no joke its not because the body has limited in oxygen its the OVER AMOUNT of Oxygen that the body recieve that cause of "Oxygen Drowning" thats why she cant also breathe and all of her limbs, fingers and all parts are like freezing , she got hurt by what she hears thats why she got snap.

"Why are you all going to die of we dont sit there?!, plus we cant walk normal, their is no chairs too, its also not far from there Its just 10 FUCKING STEP AHEAD THAT FUCKING CANTEEN"  Aina her evil Reincarnation take control and from a calm river to a angry hurricane.

for them her reason is useless, and the teacher listen to kier and to his friends and because of xia has some gift , she curse them that .

"i tell you all, i will curse this year ,i will use all of my powers even though its forbidden , i swear to all of my husbands , i swear" 

she use all of her powers even its a  forbidden and Zeus forbid her to use it just to make them pay. 

[In Photo is what their school looks like "canteen and the playground"]


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